Dealing with the insurance company on your own can sometimes be an exasperating and frustrating experience and it may not even get you the results you want. The laws also vary by state and you don’t want to compromise your position by not obtaining proper legal advice. Don’t let the insurance company pressure you into settling your claim too soon. Insurance companies are businesses and the less their goal is to get you to settle to an amount that may be less than what your case is worth. While the adjuster may be polite and friendly, they are not your friend in this situation and are focused on settling your claim quickly and possibly for less than it is worth.
Damages you might be entitled to include lost wages, vehicle damage, personal property damage (for items in the car during the accident), car rental reimbursement or even out of pocket expenses (such as taxi fair to get to the hospital).
Car accidents, especially those in involving injuries, can be complicated and you may not know all the compensation you are entitled to. You may need to seek the counsel of a trust legal professional such as Mark Caruana to secure your rights to a fair settlement. Mark can meet you to review your car accident situation and advise the best course of action for your unique situation.